ibeta tester working on a project from home during covid-19

iBeta’s COVID-19 game plan

iBeta has been an outsource partner and working remotely with clients for over twenty years, so we were built from the ground up to handle build process integration, QA testing, team meetings, clear and concise reporting, and other client needs without a physical presence.

So, for us, the current state of Colorado’s COVID-19 response, namely to send all non-essential personnel home for a bit, was an easy transition – and we continue to serve our client’s needs quickly, thoroughly, and transparently with no interruption.

Our employees are leveraging the systems and services we offer our clients; VPNs, 2FA, RDP access to shared workspaces, remotely operated test environments, virtualized operating systems, and a web-based infrastructure to keep iBeta humming along even during the COVID-19 outbreak.

But, even for a company so well versed in transparent remote operations, we still had a few things to learn – such as how to most efficiently coordinate our immense physical device library with dozens of remote workers on separate projects. We conquered this problem with a combination of expert resource planning and management, look-ahead purchasing, and door-to-door device delivery. We are happy to report that every project’s physical device needs have been met with zero downtime.

In closing, we hope that you and your families stay healthy, and we appreciate your support in keeping the global software industry safe during these unprecedented times.

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William Miller