poor software testing represented by frustrated woman

Poor Software Testing Equals Poor User Experience – and Lost Reputation

Imagine this scenario: Your company has worked for months on a new product. You’re proud of what it’s capable of doing. The product has gone through the development process, but you’ve only done minimal testing to get it to market faster. You release it – only to discover that a significant bug was missed and then found by consumers post-release. There is now a lackluster to your well-designed software product all due to poor software testing.

The “Issue” With Poor Software Testing           

Many organizations experience post-release bug discoveries, often due to a rush to release new and updated products quickly and consistently. This pattern often leads to an increased development speed, which can, unfortunately, result in bad code, errors, and vulnerabilities.

Fortunately, QA testing can find most of the major bugs and errors before release. Though often seen as a hindrance to the development process, testing is a necessity. Frequently, software testing will occur at the end of development. In the production phase, however, fixing a bug can not only cost money. It can also result in delays.

Testing Throughout the Process

The solution then is to have testing done throughout the conception and design phases through to production. This method ensures that errors are identified and fixed before they negatively affect progress.

QA testers and developers should work together to create reliable code and a functional product long before releasing it to the public. Many companies can’t survive both the financial costs and the subsequent lost reputation due to a badly-working product.

iBeta Quality Assurance offers exceptional software testing services. Our QA On-Demand model can assist you with the common need of quickly ramping up and down QA teams as needed. Best of all, we can integrate seamlessly into your development team to ensure a smooth rollout and a bug-free design. Contact us to learn more about our services and to request a free consultation.

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William Miller