types of software testing represented by neon sign stating "This must be the place"

The Many Types of Software Testing

Software testing is a catch-all term describing the many ways websites and software applications are tested for quality and performance. It evaluates the functionality of a software program to determine whether or not it meets business, user, and legal requirements. Software testing may involve one or many of any of the following testing types depending, of course, on the scope of the applications tested and the budget of the software company.

Different Types of Software Testing

There are many types of software testing – too many to fit into a 1000-word blog, that’s for sure – but for the most part, all types of software testing falls under one of two categories: functional and nonfunctional testing.

Types of Functional Testing

Functional testing involves the testing of all elements required for the software to run in the first place. Things like integration testing, acceptance testing, and regression testing are all examples of functional software testing types.

  • Acceptance Testing: Also called User Acceptance Testing (UAT), this type of testing verifies the end-to-end flow of a system and confirms that it meets both business and user needs and expectations.
  • Integration Testing: Integration testing is the testing of all integrated modules to see that they function well together. Different types of modules tested include code modules, individual applications, client/server apps and so on.
  • Regression Testing: Regression testing involves retroactively testing an application’s functionality after modifications are made to the software.

Nonfunctional Testing

Nonfunctional testing is the testing of software components that do not directly affect the functionality of the website or application. Examples of non-functional testing types include things like security testing, accessibility testing, and load/performance testing.

  • Load testing: As the name suggests, load testing is the process of determining how much load a website or software application can process before quality becomes compromised. Other variations of load testing include stress testing, spike testing, and soak testing.
  • Performance Testing: Though often used interchangeably with load testing, performance testing is simply a test to ensure that a software application performs as expected. It measures an applications response time under expected loads to determine how the software behaves under normal conditions.
  • Localization Testing: Localization testing is a software testing procedure used to analyze the local feel of a website or application. Localization testing includes proofreading for syntax and translations by native speakers. It also involves auditing the software against cultural norms and standards.
  • Usability Testing: Usability testing evaluates how easy an application is to interact with based on average user engagement. Usability testing follows real users in real-time to determine common problems and UX concerns. It may involve comparative testing (testing a software’s UX against competitor applications) and/or explorative testing of the software’s own functionality.
  • Accessibility Testing: Accessibility testing is a subset of usability testing used to ensure that the software or application is accessible to everyone regardless of disability. Accessibility testing often improves the overall user experience of all users regardless of disabilities like color blindness and hearing loss.
  • Automated Testing: Automated software testing is an efficient way to test an application’s functionality by running automated test scripts on repetitive (but necessary) tasks then weighing the actual results against expected results. Automated testing is a valuable component of continuous quality assurance.

Other Software Testing Services

Software doesn’t just have to be functional, secure, and user-friendly. In many cases, it must be compliant with both company and industry standards, as well. In these cases, there are a few other types of software testing that may come in handy.

  • Brand Auditing: For those with a reputation to uphold, brand auditing is a crucial component for the maintenance of overall brand quality. iBeta performs brand auditing either by measuring a brand’s performance and public perception against its competitors and/or by auditing ad placements and displays.
  • Biometrics Testing: Biometrics is the measurement of human features to determine and authenticate the identity of its users. Some examples of today’s biometric technology include fingerprint scanners and voice recognition software. Biometric devices must be accurate, secure, and not vulnerable to attack. Biometrics testing, therefore, tests the vital components of biometric technologies to see that they are functional and compliant with industry standards.
  • Certification Programs: Software functionality and usability is often not enough for it to hit the market. Some complex systems or those that directly impact the wellbeing of its users must also have their software certified by a third party for compliance. iBeta’s certification focus is on biometric component compliance and the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) and issues certifications based on the system’s compliance with NVLAP and the US Drug Enforcement Administration.

All software development companies stand to benefit from software testing. Though testing can be conducted in-house by the development team, third-party testing offers a fresh perspective. Experienced engineers know how to thoroughly test software and deliver clear, concise bug reports.

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William Miller