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What is Biometrics Testing?

Access control has gone beyond merely typing in a password. Now, people can use intrinsically unique ways (e.g., fingerprints or irises) to access nearly any device or building. This is known as biometrics. In fact, the term biometrics comes from a Greek word that means “life and measurement.” In the case of modern biometrics, this includes capturing and analyzing biological data like palm and finger prints, faces, eyes, and many other identifiers. But, if biometrics is the measurement of life, what is biometrics testing?

What is Biometrics Testing?

Biometrics authentication serves a variety of functions. For example, Apple iPhone users can unlock their devices with fingerprints. But there are more uses for biometrics beyond unlocking a phone.

Other uses include:

  • Obtaining access to government and private buildings like banks, schools, courthouses, and other federal and state facilities
  • Logging into a computer with your saved preferences
  • Logging time clock hours
  • Maintaining security
  • Advertising (e.g., scanning your fingerprint and then showing ads that best fit your preferences)

While there are many advantages to biometrics, the testing associated with this technology can be extensive.

What Does Biometric Testing Involve?

The biometrics application must meet specific requirements to be successful. These include:

  1. Quality and amount of data: A scan needs to capture enough data points to discriminate from one user to the next. If the number of data points obtained is relatively low, then there won’t be enough differences between the two individuals, which may result in duplicates. The data must also be accurate and as close to perfect as possible.
  2. Repeatability: Scans typically don’t take place in the same location under the same conditions at the same time of day. To ensure that a biometrics application is successful, it needs to be repeatable. The scan must work the same no matter what the variations are.
  3. Ease of use: A scan should not be overly complicated. If it requires too many steps, then it won’t be practical to use on a day-to-day basis. It must not also take too long to capture the data. Similar to website response time, end-users won’t use an application that takes too long to load.
  4. End-user: Like any other application, the end-user must see benefits from using the app. If the end-user is not willing to use the application, then it won’t become popular or earn a trend-worthy status.

Testing is a must for any type of technology, but especially for newer technologies like biometrics. Biometrics testing typically involves both testing and certification. iBeta Quality Assurance is an accredited Biometrics Testing Lab. Contact us to learn more about our Biometrics lab and procedures.

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Mike Stark